Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Nearing Antarctica

Nothing to report, really. The same drunken debauchery. The same club songs every night. The difference is that we are amongst the Kiwis now. Auckland is a nifty city. Lots of rain, and it's a bit cold. We plan on renting a car, and somehow figuring out how we are going to get all the way down to the south island and back to Auckland by the 27th.

This afternoon I got my hair shampooed for free to help some girls pass an exam.

Seriously, the rest is just not noteworthy. Running out of money. Having horrible nightmares--I woke up crying this morning.



Unknown said...

as my english teacher says, "show don't tell". good god, woke up crying? shampoos for passed exams? sounds like exposition is what the dr ordered. seriously, was the dream the one about Abe Lincoln cornering you in the bathroom stall? I seem to have that one about once a month.

Anonymous said...

You're suffering from acute etoh poisoning in Hobbitville, what with Mordor so close, what do you expect? Headache, nightmares, of course, Frodo! Get me homefinders, dude! Miss and love you. FYI, Mr Phil called for Mr. Jemmie the other evening!

Unknown said...

It's because you are upside down. All the blood runs to your head and causes bad dreams. Stand on your head and you will be fine. Which way does the water go around in the johns? GO SAILING! You are almost in Antartica. Kiss a Kiwi.

Jess said...

My God, Joe amazes me! He's SO right. Of course, you're upside down...I miss the most obvious things. Do check out which way the water swirls. That's been an ongoing debate since I was five...and that's a long time.

thanatogenos said...

It swirls the same fucking way.

Almost all of our toilets have 1 and 2 options. 1 being lots of water coming strait down, 2 being even more fucking water coming strait down into the toilet.