Monday, February 5, 2007

Smokey, this is Nam, there are not rules.

It's a league game at this point. We have a flight into Ho Chi Minh tonight, or Saigon for those of us who like to live in the reality that we can still win this thing.

I don't know why, but I have such a desire to wallow in a dimly lit hotel room in the middle of the city, with a lone ceiling fan keeping what's left of my sanity pinned to the ground. Oh eight hundred hours. How long had I been away? How long had I been back?

Bottles of whiskey, a 9 millimeter, a broken mirror.

Every minute I spend in here, I get weaker. Every minute Charlie spends squatting in the jungle, he gets stronger.

In brighter news, Angkor Wat was pretty fucking amazing. We watched sunset, and lounged for a day around the temples. Here, I'll just load up some pictures and shoot them into yesterday.

Billboard here in Siem Reap. A bit blurry, Tuk Tuks don't stay very still.
Before you use your floatation device... you see the ring.
Sunrise in Pekbang, Laos

Art shot of the rope on the slow boat. Mekong River.

Whisky Lao.

Inside a temple.
... and one final one since SE asian internet is slow, and we are pressed for time.

Ouside one of the less grand temples.


Unknown said...

I think you just did some Apocalypse Now/Big Lebowski mashup fanfiction. Nice.

I would be more deeply impressed if you could Squeeze some "Saved by the Bell" in there. Give Zach and Screech a gun.

Anonymous said...

I hate this introspective post modern literary crapola. Just get to the chapped lips, thrusting hips and gun smoke. I can eat in a Vietnamese restaurant in Little Rock. Do something interesting or illegal. I'm sure that's redundant. If it's illegal there, it's bound to be interesting.

Unknown said...

Don't pay any attention to Joe's comment, I was thinking the same thing (if you see Marlon Brando, run)...starring Johnny Depp would work...sorry, that's jump street. I'm so old. More pictures. When are you going to AU and NZ? Mr. Jemmie

Unknown said...

Dude! you missed the season premiere of "Lost"!