Monday, January 22, 2007

Rock Star Trek

When I said that Thai hookers cost roughly 3,000 bhat, I was wrong. When evening rolls around on the beach town of Pattaya, the streets surge with hookers. I don't think I can keep count of how many times I have been called "sexy man" and groped while walking down the back roads going to and from the beach.

Pattaya is a town spawned from GIs taking leave here. The sex industry (and when you walk down the assembly line of hookers, you really do really realize it's an industry) was spawned merely 30 years ago and looks as if it's not going anywhere. Needless to say, after a "foam party" at one of the nicer hotels, Adam and I decided to "mingle". We stayed up till roughly 4am on a ever increasingly deserted street drinking Tiger beer, talking to a couple from Manchester and desperately being solicited for sex. There was also a Thai transsexual hooker at the bar that spoke surprisingly good English and--secure in my masculinity-- was a pretty hot manchick. We drank till drunk on 40 bhat Tiger bottles and waltzed home with a line of "friends" that wanted a sleepover for the low low price of 500 bhat. Adam continued to barter, suggesting that maybe they should be paying HIM for such propositions. Unfortunately this concept, like us, was foreign to them.

Pattaya is dirty.

Today we are leaving for Chiang Mai to go on a 3 day trek which includes riding elephants, river boats, and apparently a gorgeous landscape. I don't expect much access to a computer.


thanatogenos said...

Oh yeah, last night we went to a "ping pong show" while drunk with some English chicks. The vagina can be used in amazing ways... ultimately, you can only watch a woman pull razorblades out of her uterus so many times before it becomes pretty commonplace.

Unknown said...

Something to tell the grandkids about, certainly.

garcisea said...

Lovely writing (something tellz me you were actually doing some LSD author reading avidly (which you mentioned, c i listen:P?)), keep up the good work, I expect some perty piktures...

and all i gos to say is "CBC"

h4x0r out...:P

Unknown said...

Two things;
1. You are missing "knife show".
2. Im in ur donk hoonin ur whip.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, "knife Show" is being taped and archived but, sometimes I worry Bethie, sometimes I worry a lot. Mr Jemmie